100 volunteers are needed this summer in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

By April 29, 2005

USA (MNN) — With spring quickly coming to an end, Christians are starting to think about summer vacations. This year your family may be thinking about taking a vacation with purpose. Global Aid Network, USA wants to encourage you to think about going to Russia, Belarus or Ukraine on a short-term missions trip.

GAiN’s Charles Debter says, “Short-term missions give people the opportunity to get out of their comfort zone, get out of their bubble of their familiar and step out in faith and see what God is doing in other lands.”

Debter says they need 100 more people to join these various trips. “We have teams that are going to be doing construction work, helping a church to build some indoor facilities. Most of the teams will be focused on delivering humanitarian aid, things like food, medicine, clothing, care packs of school supplies and delivering the news of Jesus Christ.”

GAiN will help all those participating ages 8 and up. Debter says these 100 additional volunteers could do great things evangelistically. “If we had that additional 100 people that would allow us to reach up to 5,000 more people with Good News of the Gospel on this one mission trip alone.”

If you’d like to be a part of one of these teams, go to our home page and click on ‘Go on a Trip’ to get connected.

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