Bible translation work continues in a South Asian country.

By January 26, 2006

South Asia (MNN)–In South Asia, there are areas that don’t have the Gospel in their heart language.

The Seed Company’s Roger Garland says their team has been working at a steady pace to remedy that lack.

However, many of these language groups are behind closed doors. These hostile environments make translation work difficult to impossible for outsiders.

The good news is that national speakers are stepping forward to take up the responsibilities and challenges of Bible translation in their own language.

While many are willing, national translators need help. Training, technical, financial and prayer support are necessary for them to succeed. The support for the translators comes from the local churches.

Garland adds that The Seed Company’s role is streamlining the completion of the translation. “We just were at a conference where five translations of the New Testament were dedicated. Some are very large languages of a million or two, some are smaller but they’re all languages where translators are working and The Seed Company is providing some supporting help.”

But, Garland says, there are challenges that slow the work down. These challenges can be remedied by prayer. “In a couple of places, just recently, people have had to shift out of their village because there was resistance to what was going on there with translation and Christian activities.”

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