International (MNN) — Have you ever wanted to share the Gospel with someone, but didn’t know how to strike up the conversation?
World Missionary Press is making it easier by equipping believers with free Scripture booklets.
“The Scripture booklets were a vision the Lord gave our founders in South Africa when they saw the great needs and hunger for literature. The Lord put it on their heart to provide the Word of God in the heart language of as many people in the world as they could,” says Helen Williams of World Missionary.
“We were founded with that vision, and that’s still our vision.”
World Missionary Press has been producing 100 million booklets each year for the last 53 years, and all them have been free.
“As people ask, we provide as our inventory as production allows,” Williams explains.
While millions of booklets are being given away, incredible testimonies are being shared.
Testimonies in North America
Volunteer distributors are making an impact in the lives of thousands. With the help of the Scripture booklets, they’re guiding
people and helping them discover the goodness of God.
“People receive the Lord because they have tools. And that’s really what we’re doing: providing tools for believers.”
One-on-one work has proven to be an effective way of guiding others.
Recently, a woman said she wanted to share the Word with her Dutch-speaking neighbor who was battling cancer.
“We have a booklet in Dutch that would share the Gospel, and so individuals can share with one person they know,” Williams says.
“Or you can go to full communities. We have two or three areas that as the booklets have entered an area, the hunger has just come.”
In one situation, a man received a booklet, became a believer, and then became a distributor himself, passing out booklets in his neighborhood.
“I so badly want to share the Gospel but find it difficult where to start. I feel that since this booklet introduced me to the Gospel and planted the seed of the Love of God in me, this is the best way to do it,” he told World Missionary Press.
Testimonies Received from Other Countries
Anyone can be a missionary right where they are. In every situation, Scripture booklets are making an important impact, and sometimes its taken distributors to different countries.
A retired pastor in Arizona had throat problems and figured his time of preaching the Gospel was over. But after meeting a volunteer and receiving a case of Scripture booklets, he handed them out in a market area in Mexico. Several hours later, he returned thinking he could pick up the booklets that were thrown on the ground.
But what he found surprised him.
“As he came into that market area, the clamor that you normally hear in a market area had almost stopped,” Williams says. “He looked and vendors were sitting outside their little shops or on their cart, reading the Word. And the Spirit said to him, ‘You can do this.’”
And World Missionary Press says you can, too! It’s the everyday people in everyday situations that are making a difference. Order booklets or get in contact now.
The booklets are catching the attention of Church groups everywhere.
In Peru, a shipment of one million booklets was sent. “That shipment had just cleared customs when Mr. Diaz [the head leader of the church group] said, ‘We have 1,300 churches up and down Peru that want to be involved with this. Can you send us more?’
“That’s how it grows,” Williams says. “We have no lack of ‘clients,’ if you will. As churches are exposed to the opportunities and the tools, they’re willing to do it. That’s our challenge. Believers all over the world are willing to accept the Word if we can get it into their hands.”
Most of the people who request and receive booklets are actually national believers or churches that don’t have access to the Word. In fact, 82% of World Missionary Press’s clients are overseas.
“Wherever and whenever, we try to provide,” Williams explains.
“We have a contact in Myanmar, and he has been in a difficult area. He says the need for literature is huge. They want more and more booklets [because] there’s a revival in one of the states–Shan State. Out of the civil unrest has come a need and a hunger. He says WMP booklets are one of the most effective tools for the people to grow.”
Adults, children, cities, and tribes are receiving booklets, and these tools are coming in their heart language.
“We’re still working on more languages; we have about 343,” Williams comments.
World Missionary Press is working with national pastors, Wycliffe Bible Translators, New Tribes Missions, and Bibles International to translate.
The process can take years, but then the pace can take off in an instant. “Like in the Dari for Afghanistan: it sat idle for 20 years, and all of a sudden it just exploded.”
In other cases, a major setback can take place. When World Missionary Press was working on an Inuit translation in Alaska, the translator passed away.
However, God always provides. Another missionary volunteered to finish the translation.
“The translation work is done voluntarily…. They see the need for a piece of literature in their language, and if they’re willing to provide the translator, we’ll follow it up,” Williams says.
World Missionary Press operates entirely on donations; the millions of booklets printed each year are only possible because of people like you.
“As the Lord provides, we print,” Williams says.
“Because we have a very tight budget, we try to be very economical in what we do, and we have a large volunteer base that comes in and helps. Each of these little booklets costs about 5 cents.”
Will you support World Missionary Press? Just $5 can print 100 booklets and change the lives of people forever.
Good Morning,
My name is Gerald (Jerry) Campbell I’m 80 yrs. old and want to help!
I have been to several countries on mission trips from the USA and now, I’m retired, married, have been a Christian for 50+ yrs. and I do not speak Spanish.
How can I help? I know God has me here for His reason so.
In His Name,
Jerry Campbell
Do you have booklets in Haitian Kreyol?
Dear God, I have never prayed for anything this hard. I know everything happens for a reason and I know you brought people in my life for a reason. You know what’s in my mind and heart. Please grant me my heart’s desire. Let me trust you that everything will be fine in your time and power. Please fix my broken relationship with Chris Shaw and rekindle the love she had for me. I may seem selfish but I think I deserve this love too. I’ve been through a lot in my life and I never asked for anything much. I’ve done more than enough to show her how much I love her. I trust everything in you dear Lord.
I love you and thank God for your loyal work in the ministry. I have ordered scripture books before and they were such a blessing to me and the seniors here in my building. There is a mixture of Chaldean, Russian Jews, and black Americans here. It is such a blessing to be able to witness the gospel and the love of God to them in their own language. I would appreciate it if you would send me a supply of booklets to me to share. I thank you and I will be pleased to send you a love offering on the first of next month.
Beverly, I have forwarded your request to World Missionary Press. Their organization will be in touch with you regarding Scripture Booklets. God Bless!