(USA)–Meanwhile, once a missionary always a missionary. That’s the view of Elaine Townsend, the wife of the late Cameron Townsend, who founded Wycliffe Bible Translators. At 86-years-old, Mrs. Townsend continues to share the need for Bible Translators. “We’re now just past 525 New Testaments in that many languages. And, I’ve had the privilege of teaching people to read in those languages, not all of them of course. But, when I think the different its made in their lives, especially at Christmas time and how faithful they are at sharing and I’m greatly blessed.” Townsend is encouraging more people to get involved in Bible translation because it does have an impact on people’s lives. “As they review what a difference it’s made in their lives, how their husbands treat them kindly now, how the children are being taken care of. Oh, what the Gospel has done in these areas, how hospital are established and schools – all because they have Jesus.”