World Hunger is an open door for evangelism.

By October 17, 2003

World (MNN) — Hunger. It’s widespread and it’s the focus of the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee. According to the CRWRC There are an estimated 815 million hungry people in the world.

This year’s CRWRC’s World Hunger Campaign is focusing on ‘The Need’. CRWRC’s Wendy Leep Smith says, “Most people aren’t hungry because of a disaster. That’s why 80-percent of our work is working along side communities to help them help themselves with agriculture, and health and literacy,” says Smith. She adds, “We like to think of ourselves as extending Christ’s compassion around the world. And, this can be a powerful witness, especially in countries where Christians are persecuted and it’s very difficult to evangelize.”

Smith says explains the kind of world they do. She says, “We do some short term relief work in response to crisis situations. For example we sent food baskets to Iraq and we’re in the process of sending food to Liberia.”

Smith says the need is placing an incredible strain on their outreach capability. “In today’s economy it’s difficult to raise enough money to help as many people as we would like and as you mentioned the need is staggering. I would just encourage anyone listening to learn about world hunger. And, just ask God and pray to Him to find out what He is calling you to do to respond to this.”

Smith says the CRWRC has lots of volunteer opportunities in the U-S or internationally. You can find out more information on this and other ways to help go to their web site at

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