Eritrea (MNN) — Eritrea and Ethiopia’s relationship is complex, but Bible translation work for the Kunama continues across borders and continents.
Eritrea (MNN) — Eritrea and Ethiopia’s relationship is complex, but Bible translation work for the Kunama continues across borders and continents.
USA (MNN) — “Find your place in the story”: how information leads to Great Commission action.
Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon and its overcrowded refugee camps aren’t exactly a tourist hotspot. Yet the Holy Spirit moves in desperate situations.
International (CEF) — You can get involved in sharing Jesus with kids through CEF!
International (MNN) — Volunteer at a Christmas Party Club with CEF!
USA (MNN) — Do you enjoy living out of an RV?
USA (MNN) — The opportunities in global missions, as well as the need for people to fill them, are endless.
USA (MNN) — Want a chance to encourage someone and share the Gospel?
USA (MNN) — How can you serve God next year? Volunteer to write letters to prisoners!
USA (MNN) — The Body of Christ can help support ministry in many ways.