Ambassadors race for Rwanda.

By April 29, 2005

Rwanda (MNN)–Some believers recently ran toward an opportunity for evangelism.

Sammy Tippit Ministries supported a five-kilometer race to benefit Ambassadors For Christ’s four-week mission trip to Rwanda, Africa. The AFC group will leave on May 2nd and return on May 25th.

They will bring a message of reconciliation to four Universities and numerous secondary schools, along with supplies needed to help with the restoration process.

They will also visit various prisons, where war criminals are being held, in efforts to spread God’s love among the Rwandan people.

A portion of the race proceeds goes to the “packets of love project” aimed at Rwandan orphans. These packets will include clothing articles, arts and crafts, games, and other items that are desperately needed.

Members of the Ambassadors For Christ team will reside in Kigali, Rwanda for four weeks and team up with Restore Africa and Africa New Life Ministry to share the message of Christ.

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