Operation Mobilization launches fledgling AIDS project.

By April 28, 2005

South Africa (MNN)–Operation Mobilization South Africa is still in the early stages of its HIV/AIDS ministry launch. The project is called ‘OM HOPE.’

OM South Africa decided to take action because they are at the forefront of the pandemic. They’re now training volunteers and church leaders to be involved in the fight. Teams are teaching the youth moral values.

So far, over 200 South Africans serve with OM around the globe. Before going to the mission field, they complete a six month training and exposure program.

‘OM HOPE’ is also partnering with like-minded ministries to work with short-term missions in more advanced HIV/AIDS training and longer-term ministry opportunities.

Please pray that God will prepare the ground in the communities where the teams are going to work. There is a lot of poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, gangsterism and other social challenges.

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