India (MNN) — You can watch this powerful story in Mission India’s new video!
India (MNN) — Every dollar given will be doubled, up to $1 million!
India (MNN) – Illness was pushing Vinati’s family into financial instability.
India (MNN) — Sponsor a relief kit for flood victims with Mission India.
India (MNN) — Children’s Bible Club with Mission India affected by flooding.
India (MNN) — Maali’s story begins at a Children’s Bible Club.
India (MNN) — For adults trapped in poverty, reading and writing skills can transform their hearts and lives!
India (MNN) — A special group of students in India are about to celebrate the completion of their first-ever school year.
India (MNN) — Mission India has a new resource to encourage your prayers.
India (MNN) — Mission India ministry partner recently visited Manipur.