MNN honored for persecution awareness

By January 19, 2009

USA (MNN) — Open Doors USA, an international Christian ministry to persecuted Christians, has named Mission Network News (MNN) the first winner of its "Passion for the Persecuted" award. This award will be presented annually to a media member who has demonstrated an on-going commitment to inform its audience about the plight of persecuted Christians around the world.

Mission Network News is a mission news service dedicated to keeping Christians informed on evangelical mission activity worldwide. Through its radio network, satellite links, Internet site, emails, newsletters and church bulletin inserts MNN reaches millions with mission news motivating Christians to pray, participate and support mission work to help further the Great Commission.

MNN operates under the umbrella of Cornerstone University Radio, an outreach of Cornerstone University located in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

"Mission Network News is certainly deserving of this award," says Open Doors USA President/CEO Carl Moeller. "Greg Yoder (MNN executive director) and his staff have not only a real passion for suffering believers, but they communicate that passion in a professional, timely way to its huge national and international audience. MNN is always on the cutting edge of mission activity. Plus it has advocated for the persecuted with many other projects which go beyond the call."

According to Yoder, MNN is carried on approximately 1,000 radio stations in the United States and is heard in 39 countries overseas. The daily mission reports also go out to nearly 10,000 through MNN email. The MNN Website receives 2 million hits a month.

In addition to weekly reports on how member organizations are ministering to persecuted Christians, MNN has facilitated a nationwide radio network focusing on the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, organized a concert tour centering on the Persecuted Church, put together and distributed a special CD – called Better Than Life – featuring songs focusing on persecuted believers and compiled a book of stories about persecution.

"MNN is thrilled to be the first recipient of this award," says Yoder. "Sharing news about brothers and sisters who consider it a joy to suffer for Christ's sake is humbling. It makes you realize how easy we have it here in the United States. But, it's also a reminder that we need to share our faith no matter what the cost. My prayer is that this award will encourage and inspire more Christian media outlets to do even more to make Christians aware of the suffering inflicted upon those who have chosen to follow Christ."

Open Doors USA will present a plaque honoring MNN at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention on Monday, Feb. 9, in Nashville.

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