Malawi (MNN) — Here’s an encouraging report from Mission Cry!
India (MNN) — Indian Christians are faithful to the Gospel amidst a turbulent election season.
China (MNN) — Your prayers are needed for safety and open Gospel doors.
Ghana (MNN) — Mission Cry is encouraging believers and reaching non-believers with Scripture!
India (MNN) — Mission Cry sending a sea container to Manipur with Bibles, Christian books.
India (MNN) — Mission Cry isn’t deterred from sending God’s Word.
India (MNN) — India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, remains indifferent as Manipur state goes up in flames.
United States (MNN) – Mission Cry has distributed Bibles and other Christian books around the world for nearly 70 years. Now Mission Cry is expanding its operations within the United States.
Pakistan (MNN) — A vicious attack won’t stop the Word of God in Pakistan, but prayers are needed.
Liberia (MNN) — You can help sponsor a sea container with biblical materials for Liberia!